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"Printed by T.J. Cobden-Sanderson and Emery Walker at the Doves Press, No. I, The Terrace, Hammersmith, from the text of the late Dr. Scrivener's Paragraph Bible by permission of the Syndics of the University Press Cambridge. The verse had been…

Printed by Mills College to honor the centenary of William Morris's birth. The text is part of a lecture entitled The Decorative Arts that Morris delivered in 1877 in support of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, an organization he…

One of five copies printed by the Studio Press, Edwin Grabhorn's press in Indianapolis. As with Nash's publication of Cobden-Sanderson's Ideal Book, the Studio Press uses text as well as design and quality to signal its place in the fine press…

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In 1920, Edwin and Robert Grabhorn moved to San Francisco and founded the Grabhorn Press. By choosing Morris's text as one of the first products of the new press, they announced to their new home exactly what to expect from their press: carefully set…

Morris's retelling of "The Lay of Havelock the Dane," in which he reduces the importance of warfare seen in the original lay and brings the love story into primary focus.

600 copies printed on paper, 12 on vellum.

The lecture includes, along with the stated theme of Gothic architecture, Morris's musing on book arts, furniture, crafts, and literature. The book was printed by the Kelmscott Press during the Arts and Crafts Exhibition at the New Gallery, Regent…

Morris's fantasy novel was written in the style of a medieval romance; it involves a family feud, a tempest, an enchantress, a beautiful maiden, giants, and an unlikely method of becoming king - by being the next foreigner to arrive after the…

In A Note by William Morris on His Aims in Founding the Kelmscott Press, he wrote, "By instinct rather than by conscious thinking it over, I began by getting myself a fount of Roman type. And here what I wanted was letter pure in form; severe,…

Printed in commemoration of the centenary of the birth (March 24, 1834) of William Morris by The Grabhorn Press for The Book Club of California for distribution to members of the Club. 350 copies.

John Henry Nash moved to San Francisco in 1895 and worked for a variety of presses before printing under his own name. The mitred rule (the vertical and horizontal lines that frame the text in many of his works) is a distinguishing trait of his work,…
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