Browse Collections (4 total)


Poets, scribes, and printers throughout history have taken advantage of the fact that poetry is both a visual and a verbal art. Defining visual poetry…

Contributors: Haerin Kim and Elizabeth Newsom

DIGITAL COLLECTION: A Definite Claim to Beauty: the Kelmscott Press and the Aesthetics of the Book


William Morris was fascinated by English history from a young age, and while at Oxford, deepened his interest in Medieval history, art, and…

DIGITAL EXHIBITION Lawrence Ferlinghetti: The Last Bohemian


Lawrence Monsanto Ferling  was born on March 24, 1919 in Yonkers, New York. His literary life began when his guardian became the governess for a…

DIGITAL EXHIBITION Beauty Bound as 19th-Century British Propaganda: From London to Bengal

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By November 1822, the British reading public had already voraciously consumed both Walter Scott’s expensive novels and Rudolf Ackermann’s exquisite…